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How to do PENDULUM AUTOQUESTIONING! VR180 How does one use a Pendulum Autoquestioning Card with a Pendulum, that is how does one allow the unconscious to move a pendulum to answer questions of the unconscious mind? What is Ideomotor Movement and how does it work? In this virtual reality (VR180) video, Rev. Dr. BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS goes through an explanation introduction to Ideomotor Movement and Pendulum Autoquestioning and demonstrates the process himself. This form of Esoteric Trancework is actually quite simple and straightforward to practice and the core principles are part of numerous disciplines esoteric, psychological, and mundane. You can…

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3D/VR/AR/360° Hub

3D/VR/AR/360° 3D Stereoscopy, Virtual Reality Augmented Reality, 360° Panorama Stereoscopic 3D photography and videography has been around for quite some time (centuries in the case of steeophotography). However, new innovations in virtual reality, augmented reality, and 360° media have brought on new interest. This page is our hub of related pages and interest and resources. The 3D/VR/AR/360° Taiwan group on Facebook is the premiere English language discussion group for 3D/VR/AR/360° in Taiwan, especially when combined with the Taiwan Virtual Reality Meetup. Since 3D/VR/AR/360° Taiwan is an English-language group, here is a more comprehensive list of resources including some other Chinese-language…

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Virtual Reality: An Introduction

VIRTUAL REALITY For a number of my courses at the university, I include a unit on Virtual Reality for various contexts which may sometimes include one or more Virtual Reality Days in which the students are able to experience VR for themselves. In some courses, the students report on or even create their own VR content. For instance, on 8 June 2016, the focus was on Virtual Reality and Narrative Storytelling in the Literature and Film course I teach at NCCU. I brought a LOT of VR headsets and glasses for students to use (fifty three students, so…

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Stop Talking and Explode! in 360°

Welcome to Virtual BOMB DISPOSAL at National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan. On 30 November 2016, I brought my Gear VR to class and students in my Communication course played the game KEEP TALKING AND NOBODY EXPLODES! On 27 September 2017, I brought my Gear VR to class and students in my Communication course played the game KEEP TALKING AND NOBODY EXPLODES! In this game, one player is in Virtual Reality where they see a bomb they have to disarm. The other players have a manual on how to disarm the bomb and they give instructions to the…

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Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Pattern in 360°

On 1 March 2017, Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips conducted a review of DEWEY’S REFLECTIVE THINKING PATTERN to his Communication students in the English Department at National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. In any case, watch the 360° video and enjoy. This 360° experience was created with a Nikon KeyMission 360° camera. If you are viewing via Youtube or another compatible application on your phone or elsewhere, you can use the Google Cardboard or other VR (Virtual Reality) app to view the piece in virtual reality with an appropriate VR HMD (put on the viewer and turn your head to see…

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