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Hypnosis Games for Developing Innovative Techniques


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Harnessing Creativity
Hypnosis Games for
Developing Innovative Techniques

Hypnosis? Games?

Anyone who knows me (Brian David Phillips), knows I’m a lifelong educator (I’ve taught at the same elite university in Taiwan for thirty-four years) and that I love games more than a whole lot. Folks are also aware that I combine education and gaming quite a bit. Folks who have taken hypnosis certification courses from me know that I use some rather fun improvisational hypnosis games to help students enhance their skillsets and creativity. I’ve presented papers and given academic talks on the use of games in the classroom.

Unlocking creativity is essential for effective hypnosis practice. In this blog post, we’ll explore how hypnosis games can serve as powerful tools for developing innovative techniques. By engaging in structured play, practitioners can tap into their creative potential, enhancing their ability to induce trance states, craft compelling scripts, and facilitate profound therapeutic experiences.

Understanding Creativity in Hypnosis

Creativity is the cornerstone of successful hypnosis practice. It allows practitioners to think outside the box, adapt to unique client needs, and discover novel approaches to induction and suggestion. Creative techniques can elicit deeper responses from clients, leading to more profound therapeutic outcomes.

The Role of Hypnosis Games

Hypnosis games provide a structured framework for creative exploration. By transforming learning into play, practitioners can lower inhibitions, reduce performance anxiety, and foster a sense of curiosity and experimentation. Games encourage practitioners to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from their experiences, ultimately leading to greater innovation in their practice.

Types of Hypnosis Games for Creativity

There are various types of hypnosis games that can enhance creativity:

  • Role-playing games: Practitioners can assume different roles to explore various perspectives and enhance empathy and rapport-building skills.
  • Storytelling exercises: Collaborative storytelling fosters imagination and helps practitioners craft vivid and engaging hypnotic scripts.
  • Creative visualization challenges: Games that involve visualizing abstract concepts or scenarios can expand practitioners’ imaginative capabilities.
  • Word association games: These games stimulate free association and help practitioners generate creative ideas spontaneously.
  • Metaphor creation: Participants invent metaphors or analogies for specific scenarios or emotions, encouraging lateral thinking and linguistic creativity.
  • Symbol interpretation: Practitioners analyze and interpret symbols or images provided by other participants, fostering intuitive and symbolic thinking.
  • Pattern recognition: Participants identify patterns or themes in a series of stimuli, enhancing their ability to recognize underlying structures in hypnotic phenomena.
  • Sensory exploration: Participants engage in sensory-rich experiences, such as guided imagery or sensory-focused activities, to enhance their ability to evoke and manipulate sensory states in hypnosis.

Practical Examples and Exercises

Let’s dive into some specific hypnosis games:

  1. The Mirror Game: Pair up with a partner and take turns mirroring each other’s movements and gestures. This game enhances rapport-building skills and strengthens nonverbal communication.
  2. The Hypnotic Story Circle: Sit in a circle with fellow practitioners and collaboratively create a story, with each person adding a sentence or phrase. This game encourages creativity in narrative construction and helps develop hypnotic storytelling skills.
  3. The Transformation Game: Choose an object or concept and take turns describing how it transforms into something else. This game promotes metaphorical thinking and helps practitioners develop metaphorical language for therapeutic purposes.
  4. Unconscious Association: Participants write down a word or phrase related to hypnosis or therapy, then pass it to another participant who quickly associates another word or phrase. This rapid-fire game fosters spontaneity and creativity in word association.
  5. Symbolic Imagery Exploration: Participants close their eyes and visualize a symbol or image provided by the facilitator, exploring its meaning and potential therapeutic applications. This exercise encourages practitioners to tap into their subconscious creativity and interpretive skills.
  6. Emotion Sculpting: One participant volunteers to embody a specific emotion while the others sculpt their body and facial expressions to represent that emotion. This game enhances practitioners’ ability to recognize and elicit emotional states through nonverbal cues.
  7. Metaphor Building Blocks: Participants collaboratively construct metaphors using a set of random objects or images. This game encourages creative thinking and metaphorical exploration while promoting flexibility in metaphor construction.
  8. Guided Sensory Journey: Participants guide each other through immersive sensory experiences, such as imagining a peaceful nature scene or reliving a favorite memory. This game enhances practitioners’ ability to evoke and manipulate sensory states in hypnosis.
  9. Rapid Induction Roulette: Participants take turns being the hypnotist and the subject. The hypnotist uses a rapid induction technique to induce a trance state in the subject within a limited time frame (e.g., 30 seconds). This game hones the hypnotist’s ability to induce trance quickly and efficiently while allowing the subject to experience different induction styles.
  10. Deepening Countdown: The hypnotist guides the subject through a countdown from 10 to 1, with each number representing a deeper level of relaxation and trance. The subject focuses on sinking deeper with each number, reinforcing their susceptibility to suggestion and deepening their trance state.
  11. Sensory Amplification: The hypnotist guides the subject in amplifying their sensory perceptions, such as making colors brighter, sounds clearer, and sensations more intense. This game demonstrates the power of suggestion in altering perception and heightening sensory experiences.
  12. Time Distortion: The hypnotist suggests to the subject that time is passing differently, either slowing down or speeding up. The subject experiences time distortion as they perceive the passage of time differently from reality, showcasing the hypnotist’s ability to manipulate perception and suggestibility.
  13. Virtual Reality Hypnosis: Using guided imagery, the hypnotist transports the subject into a virtual reality scenario tailored to their therapeutic goals (e.g., overcoming fears, building confidence). The subject fully immerses themselves in the virtual experience, allowing for powerful therapeutic interventions within a hypnotic framework.
  14. Self-Hypnosis Simulation: Participants pair up, with one person acting as the hypnotist and the other as the subject. The hypnotist guides the subject through a self-hypnosis session, teaching them techniques for inducing trance, deepening relaxation, and implementing therapeutic suggestions. This game enhances both participants’ understanding and application of self-hypnosis techniques.
  15. Hypnotic Regression Relay: Teams of participants compete in a relay race-style game where they guide each other through hypnotic regressions to uncover past memories or experiences. Each participant takes turns being the hypnotist and the subject, with the goal of reaching a significant memory or insight within a set time frame. This game emphasizes the skill of guiding regression and accessing subconscious memories.
  16. Future Progression Theater: Participants engage in a group hypnosis session where they collectively visualize and explore their ideal future scenarios. The hypnotist guides the group through a journey into the future, allowing participants to vividly experience and embody their desired outcomes. This game taps into the power of suggestion to facilitate positive visualization and goal manifestation.
  17. Hypnotic Charades: Participants take turns acting out a specific emotion, scenario, or character while under hypnosis. The other participants guess the theme based on the subject’s behavior and verbal cues. This game demonstrates the hypnotist’s ability to influence behavior and suggest specific states of mind, while also promoting creativity and spontaneity.
  18. Hypnotic Trance Dance: Participants engage in a hypnotic dance session where they follow the hypnotist’s suggestions to move their bodies in specific ways. The hypnotist uses rhythmic language and suggestive cues to induce a trance-like state in the dancers, allowing them to experience heightened sensory awareness and uninhibited movement. This game combines hypnosis with physical expression, fostering a deep connection between mind and body.

Benefits of Incorporating Hypnosis Games

Integrating hypnosis games into training and practice offers numerous benefits:

  • Encourages experimentation and risk-taking
  • Fosters collaboration and teamwork
  • Increases engagement and motivation in learning
  • Provides a safe space for exploration and discovery
  • Enhances problem-solving and adaptability
  • Promotes holistic learning by engaging multiple senses and cognitive processes
  • Facilitates experiential learning and skill acquisition

Embrace the power of play in your hypnosis practice and unlock new levels of creativity and innovation!

Just so you know . . . if there’s enough interest and positive feedback, I am happy to do a few deep dives into some of these basic HypnoGames and others that are for more advanced practitioners.

You Can Learn More

If you would like to learn more about using hypnosis techniques, consult our Core Skills program and other products found in our online store at (you may wish to check out our package programs for even more value).

Our ErosPsyMagick+ program at is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . core skills, metaphysical magickal psychic, and eroticatrance ecstatic states.

If you’re in Taiwan and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei? Check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies. Of course, browsing this site will bring you to a digital ton of positive resources on a wide variety of topics as well.

Live Trance and Prosper,
Brian David Phillips

Trance Wizard

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