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Tarot Trance Games


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Unveiling the Mysteries
Tarot Trance Games
for Solo and Group Enlightenment

As many of you know, I recently posted a piece on hypnosis games for practicing hypnosis. Well . . . here we go again . . . anyone who knows me (Brian David Phillips), knows I’m a lifelong educator (I’ve taught at the same elite university in Taiwan for thirty-four years) and that I love games more than a whole lot. Folks are also aware that I combine education and gaming quite a bit. Folks who have taken hypnosis certification courses from me know that I use some rather fun improvisational hypnosis games to help students enhance their skillsets and creativity. I’ve presented papers and given academic talks on the use of games in the classroom. So, what about Tarot Trance?

Welcome, seekers of wisdom and wanderers of the unseen paths. Today, we embark on a journey through the mystical world of Tarot Trance—a practice that merges the ancient art of tarot with the profound realms of meditation, hypnosis, and esoteric trancework. Whether you tread this path alone or with fellow mystics, the games we explore today promise insights and transformations. So shuffle your deck, and let’s delve into the unknown.

The Solo Journey . . .
. . . Tarot Trance Games for the Individual Practitioner

Game 1: The Daily Draw Meditation

Embrace the ritual of starting each day with the wisdom of the tarot. Drawing a single card each morning can set a powerful intention or offer guidance. Focus on the imagery and symbolism—what personal message does it convey? Reflect on this insight during a quiet meditation, allowing the card’s energy to infuse your day with its qualities. Consider journaling your thoughts and feelings to track your journey over time.

Game 2: The Pathworking Process

Pathworking is an evocative practice that invites you into the vibrant world of a tarot card. Select a card that speaks to you and imagine entering its landscape. What do you see, hear, and feel? Engage with the characters or symbols present. This guided visualization can reveal deep insights into your psyche and life’s path. Record your experiences in a journal to reflect on the personal meanings uncovered.

Game 3: Card-Triggered Hypnotic Exploration

This game marries the imagery of tarot with the transformative power of self-hypnosis. Choose a card that challenges or intrigues you, and as you focus on its details, guide yourself into a relaxed, trance-like state. Here, in the depths of your subconscious, allow the card’s imagery to lead you on a journey of discovery. What hidden aspects of yourself might the card reveal? Note your experiences and insights for further reflection.

Game 4: Archetype Embodiment Exercise

Each tarot card embodies an archetype, a universal symbol or character that resides within our collective unconscious. Select a card representing an archetype you wish to explore or embody, such as The Empress for nurturing energy or The Warrior for strength. Spend the day embodying this archetype’s qualities in your actions, decisions, and interactions. Reflect on how this influences your perspective and relationships.

Game 5: Shadow Work with the Tarot

Explore your shadow side by selecting cards that you resist or feel uncomfortable with. Meditate on these cards to uncover the aspects of yourself that you might be avoiding or need to integrate. This practice encourages self-acceptance and psychological growth by bringing light to the shadows.

Game 6: Tarot Journaling Prompts

Use the tarot as a prompt for reflective journaling. Draw a card and write about how its themes are currently manifesting in your life. This game fosters a deeper personal connection to the cards and enhances self-awareness through written expression.

Game 7: Tarot Affirmations Creation

Create personalized affirmations based on the imagery and messages of the tarot cards. Focus on a card that resonates with your current aspirations or challenges, and craft an affirmation that embodies the card’s guidance. Repeat your affirmation daily to align your energy and intentions with your goals.

Game 8: Elemental Exploration

Deepen your understanding of the four elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) by selecting cards associated with each. Meditate on these cards to connect with the elemental qualities they represent, exploring how these energies manifest in your life and how you can achieve balance among them.

Game 9: Tarot Visualization for Goal Setting

Choose cards that symbolize your goals or desires. During meditation, visualize achieving these goals, using the imagery of the cards as a vivid backdrop for your vision. This practice helps to manifest your intentions by aligning your subconscious with your conscious desires.

Game 10: Tarot Memory Palace

Build a memory palace using the tarot, where each card represents a room or space within the palace. As you explore this mental construct, place personal memories or intentions in each room, associating them with the card’s symbolism. This exercise enhances memory and deepens your connection to the tarot.

Game 11: Chakra Balancing with the Tarot

Select cards that correspond to each of the seven chakras. Meditate on these cards to explore how each chakra’s energy is flowing in your life and how you might bring them into greater alignment and balance. This game integrates the wisdom of the tarot with the holistic energy system of the chakras.

Game 12: Tarot Archetypal Journey

Create a narrative journey through the Major Arcana, placing yourself as the protagonist in a story that encompasses the Fool’s journey from innocence to enlightenment. This exercise allows for personal reflection on life’s milestones and spiritual growth.

Game 13: Tarot Art Therapy

Engage in an artistic exploration by creating your own interpretations of tarot cards through drawing, painting, or any other art form. This allows for a deeply personal connection with the tarot and encourages creative expression as a form of meditation and introspection.

Game 14: Intuitive Card Reading

Practice reading the cards without referring to traditional meanings, relying solely on your intuition and the imagery before you. This game strengthens your intuitive abilities and encourages a more personal and direct connection with the tarot.

Game 15: Tarot Dream Work

Choose a card to meditate on before sleep, with the intention of exploring its themes in your dreams. Keep a journal by your bed to record any tarot-related dreams, analyzing them for deeper insights and messages from your subconscious.

The Group Quest . . .
. . . Tarot Trance Games for Collective Discovery

Game 1: The Circle of Insights

In a group setting, create a sacred circle where each participant draws a card. Share and discuss the intuitive insights each card brings forth, respecting the diversity of interpretations. This collective exploration fosters a deeper connection to the cards and each other, highlighting the multifaceted nature of tarot symbolism.

Game 2: The Arcana Role-play

Engage in a creative role-play where participants embody tarot archetypes. This dynamic interaction allows for the exploration of various perspectives and the deepening of understanding through experiential learning. It’s an opportunity to bring the static images of the tarot to life, offering a rich, multi-dimensional experience of their meanings.

Game 3: The Tarot Quest

Experience a collective meditation journey through the Major Arcana, exploring the Fool’s journey from innocence to enlightenment. This guided group adventure allows for shared insights and a deeper collective understanding of life’s spiritual journey as mirrored in the tarot.

Game 4: Elemental Balancing Act

Divide the group into teams, each representing one of the four tarot suits (Cups, Pentacles, Swords, Wands) corresponding to the elements (Water, Earth, Air, Fire). Each team explores their element/suit through meditation, discussion, and embodiment exercises, then shares insights with the group. This game fosters a deeper understanding of the elemental energies within and around us.

Game 5: The Synchronicity Walk

Participants draw a card and then embark on a group walk, observing and discussing how elements of their surroundings reflect the imagery or themes of their cards. This game encourages mindfulness and a deeper connection to the external world through the lens of tarot.

Game 6: Collective Storytelling

Using the tarot deck, the group collaboratively creates a story, with each member drawing a card and adding to the narrative based on its symbolism. This exercise enhances creativity, intuition, and the collective interpretation of the cards’ messages.

Game 7: Tarot Reflection Circle

Participants share a current challenge or question, and the group draws cards to offer insights or advice. This practice fosters a supportive environment where collective wisdom can provide guidance and different perspectives on personal issues.

Game 8: The Energy Exchange

A dynamic game where participants pair up and exchange readings, focusing on transmitting and receiving energy and insights through the cards. This encourages empathy, energetic sensitivity, and a deeper understanding of interpersonal dynamics.

Game 9: Tarot Ritual Creation

The group collaboratively designs a tarot-based ritual for a specific purpose, such as manifesting goals, healing, or gratitude. Each member contributes by selecting cards and defining actions or affirmations, creating a powerful collective energy work.

Game 10: The Major Arcana Debate

Divide the group into teams, each representing a different Major Arcana card. Teams debate on various philosophical or ethical questions, defending their positions based on the archetypal qualities of their card. This game fosters deep thinking and a nuanced understanding of the Major Arcana.

<Game 11: The Tarot Chain Reaction

Starting with a single card, each participant draws and interprets a card that they feel is connected to the previous one, creating a chain of insights and meanings. This exercise demonstrates the interconnectedness of the tarot and the collective consciousness.

Game 12: Archetypal Embodiment Circle

Participants draw a card and embody its archetype, expressing its energy through movement, sound, or storytelling. The group reflects on each embodiment, sharing how it resonated with them. This game explores the physical and emotional expression of tarot archetypes.

Game 13: The Intuitive Trust Circle

In pairs, one person shares a question or concern, while the other intuitively selects a tarot card for them, explaining why they were drawn to it. This game builds trust, intuition, and the ability to interpret the tarot in relation to another’s energy.

Game 14: Tarot Healing Circle

Focus on collective healing intentions, drawing cards to guide the group in meditation, visualization, or energy work aimed at healing. This nurturing game emphasizes the tarot’s role in facilitating emotional and spiritual healing within a group setting.

Game 15: The Cosmic Web

Participants lay out cards to form a “web” that visually represents the group’s collective energies and intentions. By interpreting the web, the group explores how individual energies interconnect and influence the collective dynamic.

Enhancing Your Tarot Trance Practice

Integrate visualization techniques to bring the imagery of the tarot to vivid life. Aim for deeper hypnotic states to access the transformative power of your subconscious. Remember, journaling is key—record your journeys, insights, and the growth they inspire.

Creating a Sacred Space for Tarot Trance

For solo practitioners, create a personal sanctuary that invites calm and focus. Groups should cultivate a shared space that respects each member’s journey and fosters a collective energy. Your environment plays a crucial role in the depth and quality of your tarot trance experience.

Navigating Challenges and Blocks

Encounter obstacles with an open heart. Whether facing personal resistance or group dynamics, approach each challenge

as a lesson on your path to wisdom. Safety, respect, and positivity are your guides through these trials.

Tarot Trance Tranceformation

The path of Tarot Trance is rich with potential for insight, transformation, and connection. Whether you walk this path alone or with fellow seekers, the games we’ve explored offer a map to deeper understanding and spiritual growth. So, dear traveler, which game will you play first?

Embrace the journey, share your discoveries, and let the tarot guide you to the mysteries and wonders within.

My Videos

As far as Tarot Trance goes, I do quite a bit of work developing hypnotic processes to ecstatic trance results.

I am particularly interested in adapting traditional methods to contemporary hypnotic methods as well as in creating wholly original methods outside of the traditional model.

Here’s just a sampling of work I have done over the years to very good effect.

Tarot Trance

You can also see the video at

Tarot Trance Hypnosis Process

You can also see the video at

Steampunk Clusterphuque Tarot! Huzzah!

You can also see the video at

This is just the tip of the iceberg as you might know from my videos and more. Of course, those wishing to explore even more may consider learning packages such as our ErosPsyMagick+ program at which is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . seriously it’s the whole trancework kit-n-kaboodle.

Embrace the power of play in your Tarot Trance practice and unlock new levels of creativity and innovation!

Just so you know . . . if there’s enough interest and positive feedback, I am happy to do a few deep dives into some of these basic HypnoGames and others that are for more advanced practitioners.

You Can Learn More

If you would like to learn more about using hypnosis techniques, consult our Core Skills program and other products found in our online store at (you may wish to check out our package programs for even more value).

Our ErosPsyMagick+ program at is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . core skills, metaphysical magickal psychic, and eroticatrance ecstatic states.

If you’re in Taiwan and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei? Check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies. Of course, browsing this site will bring you to a digital ton of positive resources on a wide variety of topics as well.

Live Trance and Prosper,
Brian David Phillips

Trance Wizard

Waking Dreams
Tarot Decks and More