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Transform Your Life with Active Prayer: Connecting with the Divine in a Direct and Meaningful Way


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Transform Your Life with Active Prayer
Connecting with the Divine in a Direct and Meaningful Way

Unlocking the Power of Active Prayer for Divine Connection

Active Prayer
In today’s fast-paced world, many people find themselves disconnected from their inner selves and from the divine. Amidst the noise of daily life, it can be difficult to find a moment of peace, let alone connect with the sacred. However, there is a spiritual practice that has been used for centuries across cultures to help people connect with the divine – active prayer.

A majority of the members of my online community are from Western or English-speaking countries and while some may not be Christian, they likely are familiar with prayer . . . likely a passive version of prayer. Some variations of Christianity practice active prayer to very good effect. I live in Taiwan where only about four percent of the population is Christian and most folks self-identify as Buddhist or Taoist and likely also don’t practice active forms of prayer.

When I pray, I tend to use active forms.

Active prayer, also known as focused trance, is a form of prayer that involves entering a state of heightened awareness and concentration in order to connect with the divine. It is a method of reaching a state of ecstatic experience, where one feels a deep sense of connection and communion with the divine. Unlike traditional forms of prayer, which involve talking to the divine, active prayer involves listening to and receiving messages from the divine.

The practice of active prayer is not new – it has been used by different cultures for thousands of years. In ancient cultures, trance practices were used for healing, divination, and spiritual communion. In religious traditions, such as shamanism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, trance practices have been used for spiritual growth and to connect with the divine.

In contemporary times, active prayer has taken on new forms, such as meditation, breathwork, and ecstatic dance. These practices have become increasingly popular in the West, as people seek to find ways to connect with the divine and to deepen their spiritual practice. Scientific research has also shown that active prayer can have a range of benefits, from improving mental health to enhancing creativity and intuition.

In this blog post, we will explore the historical origins of active prayer, as well as contemporary forms of the practice. We will examine the benefits of active prayer for connecting with the divine, including increased focus and concentration, enhanced sense of connection, deeper understanding of one’s spiritual path, and improved emotional regulation and resilience. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to the practice of active prayer, this article will offer insights and inspiration for connecting with the divine in a deeper way.

Historical Overview of Active Prayer
Tracing the Roots of Focused Trance and Ecstatic Practices

Active Prayer
Active prayer is not a new practice. Trance practices have been used by different cultures for thousands of years. In ancient cultures, trance practices were used for healing, divination, and spiritual communion. For instance, the ancient Greeks believed that oracles could communicate with the gods and receive messages from them in a state of trance. In the Americas, indigenous cultures, such as the Cherokee (my mother’s tribe), Comanche (my father’s tribe), Hopi, Navajo, and Lakota, used trance practices in their ceremonies for spiritual communion and healing. Actually, my ancestor Quanah Parker founded the Native American Church and encouraged folks to use an active form of prayer, using peyote in the sacrament.

In religious traditions, such as shamanism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, trance practices have also been used for spiritual growth and to connect with the divine. Shamanism, for instance, is a spiritual practice that involves entering a state of trance in order to communicate with spirits and to receive guidance. In Christianity, there are many examples of saints and mystics who experienced ecstatic states of communion with God, such as St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. In Islam, Sufism is a mystical tradition that uses music, dance, and poetry to induce a state of spiritual ecstasy. In Hinduism, the practice of yoga involves different forms of focused concentration and meditation, which can lead to experiences of transcendence and communion with the divine.

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, active prayer was also an important part of spiritual life. In the Catholic Church, the practice of contemplative prayer was used by mystics, such as St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, to deepen their connection with God. In the Renaissance, the practice of Hermeticism, which combined elements of mysticism, magic, and alchemy, was also popular among scholars and philosophers. Hermeticism taught that the divine could be experienced directly through focused concentration and spiritual purification.

Overall, the historical record shows that active prayer has been an important part of human spiritual practice for thousands of years. It has been used across cultures and religions as a method of spiritual growth, healing, and communion with the divine. While the forms and contexts of active prayer have varied over time, the essential aim has remained the same – to connect with the divine in a direct and transformative way.

Contemporary Practice of Active Prayer
How Modern Spiritual Seekers are Embracing Active Prayer

Active Prayer
While active prayer has a long history, contemporary spiritual practitioners have adapted the practice to meet the needs of modern times. Today, there are many different forms of active prayer, ranging from meditation and breathwork to ecstatic dance and visionary art. Here are some of the most common contemporary practices of active prayer:

Meditation: Meditation is a form of active prayer that involves focusing the mind on a single object or idea in order to achieve a state of deep concentration and awareness. In meditation, practitioners often use a mantra, a word or phrase repeated aloud or silently, to help focus the mind. Meditation can be practiced alone or in groups, and can be adapted to suit different spiritual traditions or beliefs.

Breathwork: Breathwork is a practice of conscious breathing that is used to enhance spiritual awareness and connection. There are many different types of breathwork, ranging from simple techniques that focus on deep breathing to more complex practices that involve specific patterns and rhythms of breathing. Breathwork can be practiced alone or in groups, and can be used to achieve states of relaxation, clarity, and heightened awareness.

Ecstatic Dance: Ecstatic dance is a form of active prayer that involves moving the body in a spontaneous and free-flowing way, often to music or rhythm. In ecstatic dance, the goal is not to achieve a specific movement or pose, but to connect with the body and the present moment in a joyful and expressive way. Ecstatic dance can be practiced alone or in groups, and can be a powerful way to release energy, emotions, and tension.

Visionary Art: Visionary art is a form of active prayer that involves creating art as a way to connect with the divine and to explore spiritual themes and experiences. Visionary art can take many forms, including painting, sculpture, and mixed media. It often features intricate and detailed images that reflect the artist’s spiritual journey and connection with the divine.

Overall, contemporary practice of active prayer is diverse and adaptable. It reflects the changing needs and interests of spiritual seekers in modern times, and offers a range of tools and techniques for connecting with the divine in a direct and transformative way. Whether you prefer meditation, breathwork, ecstatic dance, or visionary art, there is a form of active prayer that can help you deepen your spiritual practice and experience the ecstasy of divine connection.

Benefits of Active Prayer for Connecting with the Divine
The Transformative Power of Focused Trance and Ecstatic Experience

Active Prayer
Active prayer offers a range of benefits for connecting with the divine. Here are some of the key benefits of active prayer:

Deepens Spiritual Awareness: Active prayer can help deepen spiritual awareness by fostering a sense of connection and presence with the divine. Through active prayer practices like meditation, breathwork, and ecstatic dance, practitioners can enter states of heightened awareness and consciousness that allow for greater spiritual insights and understanding.

Enhances Intuition and Inner Wisdom: Active prayer can also enhance intuition and inner wisdom by cultivating a deeper sense of inner knowing and trust. By entering states of focused concentration and mindfulness, practitioners can access their intuition and inner wisdom more readily, allowing for greater clarity and guidance in their spiritual practice.

Promotes Emotional Healing and Well-being: Active prayer can also promote emotional healing and well-being by providing a safe and supportive space for processing and releasing emotions. Practices like breathwork and ecstatic dance can help release pent-up emotions and tension, allowing for greater emotional balance and healing.

Fosters Connection and Community: Active prayer can also foster connection and community by bringing together like-minded spiritual seekers in a shared practice. Whether practiced alone or in groups, active prayer can help create a sense of connection and belonging that can be deeply meaningful and transformative.

Cultivates the Experience of Divine Ecstasy: Finally, active prayer can cultivate the experience of divine ecstasy, which can be a deeply transformative and life-affirming experience. Through practices like meditation, breathwork, and ecstatic dance, practitioners can access states of heightened joy, bliss, and transcendence, allowing for a direct and transformative experience of the divine.

Overall, active prayer offers a range of benefits for connecting with the divine. Whether practiced alone or in community, active prayer can deepen spiritual awareness, enhance intuition and inner wisdom, promote emotional healing and well-being, foster connection and community, and cultivate the experience of divine ecstasy. By incorporating active prayer practices into your spiritual practice, you can open yourself up to new insights, experiences, and connections with the divine.

Ecstatic Active Prayer

Active Prayer
On 18 November 2012, Brian David Phillips conducted an online webinar on ACTIVE PRAYER: Direct Divine Ecstatic eXperience via online webinar chat.
The ACTIVE PRAYER online webinar is an introduction to concepts related to focused trance for the direct experience of divine ecstasy. Essentially, the hypnotist provides guidance into experiential trance for metaphysical introspection and the direct ecstatic experience of the divine.
This downloadable recording is the complete content presentation portion of webinar guided meditation trance partner (also available here as free streaming audio for members of this site).

The download package available here includes the complete session mp3 (also available here as streaming audio for members of this site).
If you are not familiar with core principles or hypnotically guided changework, the session is at a level appropriate for beginners as well as advanced practitioners.

Head to ACTIVE PRAYER: Direct Divine Ecstatic eXperience for more about the recording.

This is just the tip of the iceberg as you might know from my videos and more. Of course, those wishing to explore even more may consider learning packages such as our ErosPsyMagick+ program at which is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . seriously it’s the whole trancework kit-n-kaboodle.

Embracing Active Prayer for Deeper Spiritual Connection and Transformation

Active Prayer
Active prayer is a powerful and transformative practice that can help us connect with the divine in a direct and meaningful way. Throughout history, spiritual practitioners have used focused trance states and ecstatic experiences to deepen their spiritual awareness and connect with the divine. Today, active prayer continues to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of modern spiritual seekers, offering a range of practices and techniques for connecting with the divine.

Whether you prefer meditation, breathwork, ecstatic dance, or visionary art, there is a form of active prayer that can help you deepen your spiritual practice and experience the ecstasy of divine connection. By incorporating active prayer practices into your spiritual practice, you can open yourself up to new insights, experiences, and connections with the divine.

The benefits of active prayer are many, including deepening spiritual awareness, enhancing intuition and inner wisdom, promoting emotional healing and well-being, fostering connection and community, and cultivating the experience of divine ecstasy. These benefits can help us lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives, and connect with a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

Active prayer is a powerful and transformative practice that can help us connect with the divine in a direct and meaningful way. By exploring different forms of active prayer and incorporating them into our spiritual practice, we can deepen our connection with the divine and experience the transformative power of direct ecstatic experience.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Benefits of Active Prayer

Active Prayer
Q: What is active prayer?
A: Active prayer is a form of spiritual practice that involves entering a state of focused trance or ecstasy to deepen connection with the divine. It can involve practices like meditation, breathwork, ecstatic dance, and visionary art.

Q: Is active prayer a new phenomenon?
A: No, active prayer has been practiced throughout history by spiritual seekers seeking a direct and transformative experience of the divine.

Q: What are some examples of active prayer practices?
A: Examples of active prayer practices include meditation, breathwork, ecstatic dance, visionary art, and other forms of focused trance or ecstatic experience.

Q: What are the benefits of active prayer?
A: The benefits of active prayer include deepening spiritual awareness, enhancing intuition and inner wisdom, promoting emotional healing and well-being, fostering connection and community, and cultivating the experience of divine ecstasy.

Q: Do I need to belong to a specific religion or belief system to practice active prayer?
A: No, active prayer can be practiced by anyone regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs.

Q: Can active prayer be practiced alone or in groups?
A: Yes, active prayer can be practiced alone or in groups. Both can be beneficial and transformative.

Q: Is active prayer suitable for beginners?
A: Yes, active prayer can be suitable for beginners. It is important to start with practices that feel comfortable and accessible, and to seek guidance or instruction if needed.

Q: What is the difference between active prayer and passive prayer?
A: Passive prayer is often characterized by supplication or petition to the divine, while active prayer involves entering a state of focused trance or ecstasy to deepen connection with the divine.

Q: How can I get started with active prayer?
A: To get started with active prayer, you can explore different practices and techniques that resonate with you, seek guidance or instruction if needed, and incorporate active prayer into your existing spiritual practice.

Q: Where can I learn more about guided imagery and sensual practice?
A: Of course, those wishing to explore even more may consider learning packages such as our ErosPsyMagick+ program at which is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . core skills, metaphysical magickal psychic, and eroticatrance ecstatic states.

You Can Learn More

Active Prayer
If you would like to learn more about using hypnosis techniques, consult our Core Skills program and other products found in our online store at (you may wish to check out our package programs for even more value).

Our ErosPsyMagick+ program at is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . core skills, metaphysical magickal psychic, and eroticatrance ecstatic states.

If you’re in Taiwan and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei? Check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies. Of course, browsing this site will bring you to a digital ton of positive resources on a wide variety of topics as well.

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Active Prayer

Active Prayer

Active Prayer


Active Prayer

Active Prayer