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Getting Started in Eroticatrance


Getting Started in Eroticatrance

Getting Started in

We’ve done it! We have updated our Getting Started in Eroticatrance, removing broken links and updating others as well as adding more free resources to help you on your adventure into the fascinating world of erotic hypnosis and so very much more.

Just go to our free Getting Started in Eroticatrance page at and enjoy the beginnings of a wonderful journey!

Getting Started in Eroticatrance

Getting Started in Eroticatrance

Interested in learning about authentic powers of the Imaginative Mind? Discover the power of Your Sensual Mind Ecstatic . . . erotic and otherwise. Learn to guide yourself and others into ecstatic, erotic, psychedelic, and other states . . . beyond pleasure, beyond what others deep possible. Become a bona fide pleasure engineer.

The getting started post is a massive overhaul of a previous series of posts. A number of the old links broke – as is the nature of things cyber – and our previous email archive for the now defunct and inactive Hypnosis Technique Exchange has gone the way of the vanishing velociraptor since Yahoo has discontinued the service (if you were a member of that group, go ahead and join our Experiential and Ecstatic Trance Facebook group now. So, given all the holes that have cropped up, I’ve rolled up my cybersleeves and repurposed, removed, and reposted relevant materials, moving a number of items to this site to preserve internal integrity. I have also added some updated materials and given things their own location so future updates will be more secure.

Getting Started in Eroticatrance


So, while we’ve covered this ground many many times before, we’ve recently had a few more inquiries and since there’s a whole slew of new resources available, I am reposting my intro thingie with some additional material and resources for those who are eager for this sort of information. Before we get into the nitty gritty of orgasms, hypnosis, erotic hypnosis, and just plain ‘ol poleasure hypnosis, I cannot stress enough that this material is an excellent resource for ANYONE with an interest in this material. If you want to take your erotic hypnosis skills to a whole new level then you probably should consider the approach a must-have and by must-have I mean MUST HAVE!. Seriously, this is golden with solid instruction from beginnings through very advanced skillsets.

This stuff is not rocket science, so don’t make it more difficult than it is.  Yes, I have a PhD but . . . no, you don’t need one to figure this process out.   Breathe in, breathe out, relax . . . and have fun.

Whatever in the world is EROTICATRANCE? That is the fancy name for a collection of tranceforms that engage with erotic, ecstatic, sensual, and core joyful emotional responses. It’s the good stuff. Eroticatrance might be gained through hypnosis, meditation, guided imagery, focused trance, or any other of he mental disciplines to shift, adjust, or change consciousness.

Obviously, any sort of hypnosis should be done with one’s trance partner’s best interests in mind. When someone agrees to be a trance partner, they are agreeing to surrender a most precious thing, their critical factor (although the hidden observer is still present) and are agreeing to do so with the implied construct that you treat them well and that all suggestions are for their benefit. Keep it safe, sane, and consensual. Otherwise, you can very well fuck up your relationship with that individual in ways that can have ramifications throughout the rest of your life. Seriously, we are all about informed consent here.

If you don’t know how to perform hypnosis safely, sanely, and with full consent, then don’t do it. Go get some proper training and experience first. Yes, I do teach some very powerful techniques that can be adapted to any context (therapeutic, recreational, entertainment, and – yes – even consenting adult trance situations).

Want some guidance into Getting Started in Eroticatrance? Go here.

Getting Started in Eroticatrance

Getting Started in Eroticatrance

Speaking of the ecstatic mind, you can learn a whole slew of new techniques by checking out our EROTICATRANCE video training programs in erotic hypnosis which are in general release. If you don’t have the original set you can get it or perhaps the new advanced set or even go for the gusto go for the erotic gold and become an Ultimate Pleasure Hypnotist with our single most comprehensive program with twenty five video volumes that take you from the basics of hypnosis to erotic hypnosis through to very advanced erotic hypnosis work and more all courtesy the special package at

If you’re in Taiwan and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei? Check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies. Of course, browsing this site will bring you to a digital ton of positive resources on a wide variety of topics as well.

Live Trance and Prosper,
Brian David Phillips

Trance Wizard


ErosPsyMagick + Comprehensive