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The Dark History of Hypnosis and Attempts to Alter Sexuality


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The Dark History of Hypnosis and Attempts to Alter Sexuality

Unpacking the Myths and Realities of Hypnosis and Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

Hypno Conversion
Let me start this essay with the following . . . getting right to the point. Yes, there are folks who claim hypnosis can permanently change sexual orientation. No, those folks are wrong, completely and utterly wrong. Hypnosis doesn’t do what these misguided folks think it does and live are being ruined because of it.

A very important hypnotist among the greats in the history of hypnosis is Dave Elman whose key work on hypnotherapy discusses cases he dealt with. Elman was active in the 40s and 50s and 60s and so many of his experiences and values reflect the cultural ethos of that time. One of his cases was to work with a young man who was gay but had such a miserable experience in life he thought that if only hypnosis could turn him straight then his life would not suck so much. Elman worked with the young man but they were both frustrated that the hypnosis just wouldn’t work. Finally, Elman came to the realization that using hypnosis to change the young man’s sexual orientation was not the answer and opting to use hypnosis to help the young man accept himself (love yourself, folks) and to build his self-esteem to armor himself against negative reactions from family and society.

Elman was clearly well ahead of his times in this regard.

Years ago, when I was in India to teach some advanced courses in hypnotherapy, a friend handed me the phone to talk to his friend, a father of a gay young man, who wished me to use hypnosis to “fix” his son. I sat and patiently talked the father through that his son wasn’t actually broken for being gay but their relationship was broken in respect to not accepting his child for who he was in his core.

Hypnosis seems magickal but, like magick, it doesn’t work in all contexts. Sexual orientation is part of one’s core self and while it may be fluid in some respects, it’s not an on-off switch that can be magickally thrown. Learn to accept yourself and your loved ones for who they are and not simply because of who they want to have sex with.

Okay, simple point made. I guess the rest of this essay may not be needed but I’m going to do the deep dive anyway because some folks may find it of interest and perhaps of use. So, buckle up . . . here we go.

Hypnosis, a technique used to alter an individual’s consciousness, has long been the subject of controversy and skepticism. While some people believe that it can be used to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, others argue that it is not possible. Sexual orientation and gender identity are complex aspects of a person’s identity that are deeply ingrained and resistant to change. Despite some claims, hypnosis cannot permanently alter a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness characterized by deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. It is often used in therapeutic settings to help people overcome a variety of issues, including anxiety, addiction, and phobias. During hypnosis, a person’s attention is focused on a specific task or suggestion, which can lead to changes in behavior or perception.

Sexual orientation refers to an individual’s emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to others. Gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of their gender, which may or may not align with their biological sex. These aspects of a person’s identity are deeply personal and often form the basis of their relationships, self-esteem, and sense of belonging.

Despite some claims, there is no evidence to suggest that hypnosis can permanently change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. While some people may report temporary changes in their feelings or desires during hypnosis, these changes are unlikely to be long-lasting or meaningful. Sexual orientation and gender identity are complex and multifaceted, and cannot be altered by a single intervention.

Moreover, attempts to use hypnosis to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity are deeply problematic and potentially harmful. These interventions can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and self-hatred, which can have long-lasting effects on a person’s mental health and well-being.

Therefore, it is important to recognize that hypnosis is not a viable or ethical solution for individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity. Instead, supportive counseling, education, and resources can help individuals to better understand and accept themselves, and to live authentic and fulfilling lives.

Hypnosis and Its Effects:
Exploring the Science Behind Hypnosis and its Therapeutic Effects

Hypno Conversion
Hypnosis is a technique used to induce a state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility, often used to address a variety of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and addiction. It is based on the principles of focused attention, relaxation, and suggestion, with the aim of inducing a trance-like state in the individual. During hypnosis, the individual is highly responsive to suggestions from the hypnotist, which can lead to changes in behavior or perception.

The effects of hypnosis vary widely, with some individuals responding more readily than others. Some people may experience a sense of euphoria, while others may feel a sense of detachment or dissociation from their surroundings. Hypnosis can be used to address a range of issues, including pain management, phobias, and smoking cessation. However, it is important to note that the effects of hypnosis are generally temporary, and often require ongoing therapy or treatment to be effective.

One of the limitations of hypnosis is that it is not effective for everyone. Some individuals are highly resistant to hypnosis, while others may not respond to it at all. Moreover, hypnosis is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care, and should only be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment.

While hypnosis has been used in some cases to address issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, there is no evidence to suggest that it can permanently change these aspects of a person’s identity. While some individuals may report temporary changes in their feelings or desires during hypnosis, these changes are unlikely to be long-lasting or meaningful. Sexual orientation and gender identity are deeply personal and complex aspects of a person’s identity, and cannot be altered by a single intervention.

In conclusion, hypnosis is a technique that has been used to address a range of mental health issues, including anxiety, addiction, and phobias. While it can be effective in some cases, its effects are generally temporary and require ongoing treatment to be effective. Despite some claims, hypnosis is not a viable solution for individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity, as these aspects of identity are deeply ingrained and resistant to change. It is important to recognize the limitations of hypnosis and to seek out other forms of treatment and support when dealing with these complex issues.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity:
Understanding the Complexity of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Hypno Conversion
Sexual orientation and gender identity are two distinct but interconnected aspects of a person’s identity. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to others, while gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of their gender, which may or may not align with their biological sex. These aspects of a person’s identity are deeply personal and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and culture.

Research suggests that sexual orientation is not a choice, but rather a fundamental aspect of a person’s identity that is largely determined by biological factors such as genetics and hormones. While the exact causes of sexual orientation are still not fully understood, it is clear that it is not something that can be changed through conscious effort or hypnosis.

Similarly, gender identity is a deeply personal and complex aspect of a person’s identity that is largely determined by internal factors such as self-awareness and psychological makeup. While gender identity is often assumed to be binary (male or female), it is actually a spectrum that includes a wide range of gender expressions and identities. For some individuals, their gender identity may not align with their biological sex, leading to feelings of dysphoria or discomfort with their physical body.

It is important to note that sexual orientation and gender identity are not the same thing, and should not be conflated or confused. While sexual orientation refers to who a person is attracted to, gender identity refers to how a person identifies and presents themselves in terms of gender. Moreover, both sexual orientation and gender identity are fluid and can change over time, particularly during adolescence and young adulthood.

In conclusion, sexual orientation and gender identity are complex and multifaceted aspects of a person’s identity that cannot be changed through hypnosis or other interventions. While these aspects of identity may be challenging for some individuals to navigate, it is important to recognize and accept them as a fundamental part of who they are. Supportive counseling, education, and resources can help individuals to better understand and accept themselves, and to live authentic and fulfilling lives.

Claims of Hypnosis Changing Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity:
Examining the Claims and Controversies Surrounding Hypnosis and Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

Hypno Conversion
Despite the lack of evidence supporting hypnosis as a means of changing sexual orientation or gender identity, some individuals and organizations have made claims to the contrary. These claims have often been promoted by individuals and organizations that seek to promote the idea that sexual orientation or gender identity can be changed or cured, often in opposition to the views of the mainstream medical and mental health communities.

One example of this is the practice of so-called “conversion therapy,” which purports to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity through a variety of techniques, including hypnosis. While conversion therapy has been widely discredited and condemned by mainstream medical and mental health organizations, it continues to be practiced in some parts of the world, often with harmful and traumatic consequences for the individuals subjected to it.

Another example is the use of hypnosis as a tool for “regression therapy,” which purports to uncover the root causes of an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and to change them through suggestion and reprogramming. This approach is not supported by scientific evidence and has been criticized for promoting harmful stereotypes and pathologizing non-heterosexual and non-cisgender identities.

Despite these claims, there is no credible scientific evidence to support the idea that hypnosis can permanently change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. While hypnosis can be effective in addressing a range of mental health issues, including anxiety and phobias, it cannot alter the fundamental aspects of a person’s identity that are deeply ingrained and resistant to change.

Furthermore, the promotion of the idea that sexual orientation or gender identity can be changed or cured through hypnosis or other interventions can be harmful and stigmatizing, particularly for individuals who are struggling to come to terms with their identity. This can lead to feelings of shame, isolation, and self-loathing, and can contribute to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide among LGBTQ+ individuals.

The claims that hypnosis can permanently change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity are not supported by scientific evidence and are often promoted by individuals and organizations with an anti-LGBTQ+ agenda. It is important to reject these harmful and stigmatizing messages and to support individuals in accepting and celebrating their authentic selves, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Historical Context:
A Deep Dive into the Historical Context of Hypnosis and Attempts to Alter Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

Hypno Conversion
The use of hypnosis to try and change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity has a long and troubling history. In the early 20th century, some psychiatrists and psychologists believed that homosexuality was a mental disorder that could be treated through various forms of therapy, including hypnosis.

One notable example of this was the work of Austrian psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing, who published a seminal work on sexual pathology in 1886. Krafft-Ebing believed that homosexuality was a form of “sexual inversion” that could be treated through hypnosis and other forms of suggestion. Similarly, in the United States, psychiatrists such as Irving Bieber and Charles Socarides advocated for the use of hypnosis as a means of curing homosexuality.

This belief in the ability to change a person’s sexual orientation through hypnosis persisted into the latter half of the 20th century, despite growing evidence that homosexuality was not a mental disorder and could not be cured. In the 1960s and 1970s, a growing LGBTQ+ rights movement challenged the medical establishment’s views on homosexuality and called for an end to harmful and stigmatizing practices such as conversion therapy.

Despite these efforts, conversion therapy and other attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through hypnosis and other interventions continued to be practiced, often in underground and unregulated settings. It was not until the late 20th and early 21st centuries that mainstream medical and mental health organizations began to fully reject the notion that sexual orientation or gender identity could be changed or cured through any means.

Today, the use of hypnosis or other interventions to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity is widely considered unethical and harmful, and is condemned by organizations such as the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization. However, it is important to recognize the historical context in which these practices emerged, and to understand how they continue to influence attitudes and beliefs about LGBTQ+ identities.

Scientific Studies and Their Limitations:
Analyzing the Scientific Evidence and Limitations of Hypnosis for Changing Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

Hypno Conversion
Scientific studies have consistently shown that hypnosis is not an effective means of changing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. While some early studies claimed to show that hypnosis could alter sexual orientation or gender identity, these studies have been widely discredited for their flawed methodologies and lack of scientific rigor.

More recent studies have consistently shown that attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through hypnosis or other interventions are ineffective and can be harmful. A 2009 report, for example, found that there was no credible scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of conversion therapy, and that such interventions could cause harm, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

Similarly, a 2016 systematic review of studies on conversion therapy and related interventions found that they were associated with increased risk of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. The review also found that these interventions had no basis in scientific evidence and were often based on harmful stereotypes and assumptions about LGBTQ+ identities.

Despite this overwhelming evidence, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of scientific research in this area. Due to ethical concerns, it is not possible to conduct randomized controlled trials of interventions aimed at changing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, which means that much of the evidence is based on observational studies or case reports.

Additionally, the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals who have undergone conversion therapy or related interventions are often complex and difficult to capture in scientific research. Many individuals who have undergone these interventions may have internalized stigma and shame around their sexual orientation or gender identity, which can make it difficult to accurately assess the impact of these interventions on their mental health.

Despite these limitations, the overwhelming consensus among medical and mental health professionals is that hypnosis and other interventions cannot change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and that attempts to do so can be harmful and stigmatizing. It is important to reject these harmful and stigmatizing messages and to support individuals in accepting and celebrating their authentic selves, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Ethical Considerations and Criticism:
Assessing the Ethical Concerns and Criticism of Hypnosis for Changing Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

Hypno Conversion
The use of hypnosis to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity is widely considered to be unethical by medical and mental health organizations. The American Psychological Association, for example, has stated that any attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity is “deceptive, harmful, and does not work.” Similarly, the World Health Organization has stated that such interventions “lack scientific credibility” and “constitute a serious threat to the health and well-being” of LGBTQ+ individuals.

The primary ethical concern surrounding the use of hypnosis to change sexual orientation or gender identity is that it is based on the false assumption that LGBTQ+ identities are pathological or abnormal. This belief is not supported by scientific evidence, and it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. Attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through hypnosis sends a message that being LGBTQ+ is something that needs to be fixed or cured, which can contribute to internalized stigma and shame.

Additionally, the use of hypnosis to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity can be harmful and stigmatizing. Individuals who undergo these interventions may experience feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt, and may struggle with accepting and celebrating their authentic selves. These interventions can also contribute to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, and can damage the therapeutic relationship between the individual and their mental health provider.

Critics of hypnosis as a means of changing sexual orientation or gender identity argue that it is not only unethical, but also ineffective. There is no credible scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these interventions, and many individuals who have undergone conversion therapy or related interventions report that they did not experience any significant changes in their sexual orientation or gender identity. Some individuals may even experience a strengthening of their LGBTQ+ identity as a result of these interventions, as they come to recognize the harmful nature of attempts to change who they are.

The use of hypnosis to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity is widely considered to be unethical, ineffective, and harmful. Medical and mental health professionals have a responsibility to reject these harmful and stigmatizing interventions and to support individuals in accepting and celebrating their authentic selves. It is important to recognize the historical context in which these interventions emerged, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and affirming society for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Alternative Approaches for Individuals Struggling with Their Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity:
Empowering Individuals with Alternative Approaches for Self-acceptance and Well-being

Hypno Conversion
For individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity, there are a variety of alternative approaches that can be effective in promoting self-acceptance and well-being. One approach is affirmative therapy, which involves creating a supportive and nonjudgmental environment in which individuals can explore and accept their LGBTQ+ identities. Affirmative therapy may involve exploring issues related to identity, relationships, and coming out, and may include techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based interventions.

Another approach is peer support, which involves connecting with other LGBTQ+ individuals who can offer support, guidance, and community. Peer support may take the form of support groups, online communities, or one-on-one mentoring relationships. By connecting with other individuals who share similar experiences and struggles, individuals can build a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of isolation and stigma.

Education and advocacy are also important in promoting self-acceptance and well-being for individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity. Education can help to dispel myths and stereotypes about LGBTQ+ identities, and can promote understanding and acceptance among family members, friends, and communities. Advocacy can help to create more inclusive and affirming policies and practices in schools, workplaces, and other settings, and can promote the rights and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.

It is important to recognize that individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity may face unique challenges and barriers to accessing these alternative approaches. For example, individuals who come from cultures or communities that stigmatize LGBTQ+ identities may struggle to find supportive resources or may face discrimination and prejudice. Additionally, individuals who have undergone conversion therapy or related interventions may experience feelings of shame or guilt that can make it difficult to seek out alternative approaches.

Despite these challenges, it is important to recognize that there are a variety of alternative approaches that can promote self-acceptance and well-being for individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity. By promoting education, advocacy, and affirmative therapy, we can create a more inclusive and affirming society for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Moving Towards an Inclusive and Affirming Society:
Reflections and Future Directions

Hypno Conversion
In conclusion, hypnosis is not a viable or ethical means of changing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. While historical and anecdotal claims have suggested that hypnosis may be able to influence a person’s sexuality or gender identity, scientific evidence has consistently shown that these claims are unfounded and unsupported.

Furthermore, even if hypnosis were able to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, it would not be an ethical or humane approach. LGBTQ+ individuals have historically faced stigma, discrimination, and violence, and efforts to change their identities only contribute to this harm. Instead, alternative approaches such as affirmative therapy, peer support, and education and advocacy offer more effective and ethical means of promoting self-acceptance and well-being for LGBTQ+ individuals.

It is important to recognize the harmful effects of conversion therapy and related interventions, and to work towards creating more inclusive and affirming societies for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. By promoting acceptance, education, and support for LGBTQ+ individuals, we can create a world in which all individuals can thrive and live authentically.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Hypnosis, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity

Hypno Conversion
Q: What is hypnosis?
A: Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique in which a person enters a trance-like state of consciousness that allows them to be more receptive to suggestions and to access their unconscious mind.

Q: Can hypnosis change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity?
A: No, scientific evidence has consistently shown that hypnosis is not able to permanently change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Q: Why do some people believe that hypnosis can change sexual orientation or gender identity?
A: Historical and anecdotal claims have suggested that hypnosis may be able to influence a person’s sexuality or gender identity, but these claims are unfounded and unsupported by scientific evidence.

Q: What are the risks of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through hypnosis?
A: Attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through hypnosis or other interventions can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and trauma, and can contribute to stigma, discrimination, and violence towards LGBTQ+ individuals.

Q: What are the alternative approaches for individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity?
A: Alternative approaches for individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity include affirmative therapy, peer support, education, and advocacy.

Q: What is affirmative therapy?
A: Affirmative therapy is an approach that involves creating a supportive and nonjudgmental environment in which individuals can explore and accept their LGBTQ+ identities.

Q: What is peer support?
A: Peer support involves connecting with other LGBTQ+ individuals who can offer support, guidance, and community.

Q: What is education and advocacy?
A: Education and advocacy involve promoting understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ+ identities and promoting more inclusive and affirming policies and practices in schools, workplaces, and other settings.

Q: Can individuals from cultures or communities that stigmatize LGBTQ+ identities access these alternative approaches?
A: Individuals from cultures or communities that stigmatize LGBTQ+ identities may face unique challenges and barriers to accessing these alternative approaches, but efforts can be made to provide supportive resources and reduce discrimination and prejudice.

Q: Can individuals who have undergone conversion therapy seek out these alternative approaches?
A: Individuals who have undergone conversion therapy or related interventions may experience feelings of shame or guilt that can make it difficult to seek out alternative approaches, but efforts can be made to create safe and supportive environments in which they can access these resources.

Q: What are the benefits of alternative approaches for individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity?
A: Alternative approaches can promote self-acceptance and well-being for individuals struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity and can create a more inclusive and affirming society for all individuals.

Q: What are the ethical concerns with attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through hypnosis or other interventions?
A: Attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through hypnosis or other interventions is not ethical or humane and can contribute to stigma, discrimination, and violence towards LGBTQ+ individuals.

Q: What is the role of education and advocacy in promoting acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals?
A: Education and advocacy can help to dispel myths and stereotypes about LGBTQ+ identities, promote understanding and acceptance among family members, friends, and communities, and promote the rights and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Q: What is the ultimate goal of promoting acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals?
A: The ultimate goal of promoting acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals is to create a world in which all individuals can thrive and live authentically, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Q: Where can I learn more about trancework practice by Brian David Phillips?
A: Of course, those wishing to explore even more may consider learning packages such as our ErosPsyMagick+ program at which is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . core skills, metaphysical magickal psychic, and eroticatrance ecstatic states.

You Can Learn More

Hypno Conversion
If you would like to learn more about using hypnosis techniques, consult our Core Skills program and other products found in our online store at (you may wish to check out our package programs for even more value).

Our ErosPsyMagick+ program at is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . core skills, metaphysical magickal psychic, and eroticatrance ecstatic states.

If you’re in Taiwan and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei? Check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies. Of course, browsing this site will bring you to a digital ton of positive resources on a wide variety of topics as well.

Live Trance and Prosper,
Brian David Phillips

Trance Wizard

Waking Dreams
Tarot Decks and More

Hypno Conversion


Hypno Conversion