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Scrying for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth


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Benefits of Scrying for
Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Hypnotic Scrying?
Discover the Ancient Practice of Hypnotic Scrying for Personal Growth and Self-Reflection

Hypnotic ScryingHypnotic scrying is a fascinating technique that combines hypnosis and scrying to promote self-reflection and personal growth. Scrying is an ancient divination practice that involves gazing into a reflective surface or other medium, such as a candle flame or bowl of water, to gain insight into oneself or the future. Hypnosis, on the other hand, is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility that allows individuals to access the subconscious mind and make positive changes.

By combining these two practices, hypnotic scrying creates a powerful tool for exploring the subconscious mind and gaining deeper insights into oneself. It provides a unique opportunity to explore one’s inner world and gain a better understanding of one’s thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and patterns.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 15 benefits of hypnotic scrying for self-reflection and personal growth. We’ll discuss how this technique provides access to the subconscious mind, reveals hidden thoughts and emotions, and helps identify patterns and behaviors. We’ll also explore how hypnotic scrying enhances intuition, promotes relaxation and stress reduction, aids in decision-making and problem-solving, and fosters creativity and imagination.

Additionally, we’ll examine how hypnotic scrying cultivates a sense of inner peace, boosts confidence and self-esteem, improves focus and concentration, facilitates spiritual growth and connection, supports personal transformation and healing, enhances relationships with others, and encourages personal growth and development.

But before we dive into the benefits, let’s take a closer look at the different types of scrying and techniques involved in hypnotic scrying. Understanding these basics will help you get the most out of your hypnotic scrying practice and fully experience its many benefits.

Types of Scrying and Techniques
Mirror Gazing, Candle Flame, and More:
Explore Different Types of Scrying for Insight into Yourself

Hypnotic ScryingHypnotic scrying can involve a variety of different scrying techniques, each with its own unique benefits and challenges. Some of the most common types of scrying include mirror gazing, candle flame scrying, and water scrying. Mirror gazing involves staring into a mirror or other reflective surface, allowing your mind to relax and your thoughts to drift as you observe your own reflection. Candle flame scrying is similar, but involves gazing at the flame of a candle instead of a mirror. Water scrying, on the other hand, involves gazing into a bowl or dish of water or ink to see visions or images that may arise from the water’s reflections.

No matter which type of scrying you choose, there are certain steps and techniques involved in achieving a successful hypnotic scrying session. For example, preparing your scrying space is important for creating a calm and comfortable environment that’s conducive to relaxation and focus. This may involve dimming the lights, lighting candles or incense, and ensuring that your chosen scrying surface is clean and free from distractions.

Once you’re settled in your space, it’s important to relax your mind and body to enter a hypnotic state. This can be achieved through a variety of techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. As you enter a deeper state of relaxation, you’ll begin to focus on your chosen scrying surface and allow your mind to drift into a trance-like state.

During your scrying session, you may experience a range of visual or auditory sensations, such as flashes of light, colors, or images that arise from your chosen scrying surface. It’s important to remain open to these experiences and avoid judgment or analysis of what you’re seeing. Instead, allow the images or sensations to arise naturally and observe them with curiosity and wonder.

After your scrying session is complete, take some time to reflect on what you experienced and record any thoughts or feelings that arose during the session. This can help you gain greater insight into your subconscious mind and allow you to better understand yourself and your patterns of thought and behavior. With practice, hypnotic scrying can become a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, helping you to achieve greater inner peace, clarity, and understanding.

Benefits of Hypnotic Scrying
Unlock Your Inner Wisdom:
Hypnotic Scrying for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Hypnotic ScryingHypnotic scrying is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By entering a trance-like state and focusing on a scrying surface, you can access your subconscious mind and gain deep insights into yourself. Whether you use a mirror, candle flame, or other scrying surface, the benefits of hypnotic scrying are many. In this section, we’ll explore 15 of the most significant benefits of hypnotic scrying.

Access to the Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind is a vast storehouse of information about our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By accessing this information through hypnotic scrying, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and make positive changes in our lives.

Reveals Hidden Thoughts and Emotions: Often, we bury our thoughts and emotions deep within our subconscious mind, where they can cause us distress without our even realizing it. Hypnotic scrying can reveal these hidden thoughts and emotions and allow us to work through them.

Identifies Patterns and Behaviors: Through hypnotic scrying, we can identify patterns and behaviors that may be holding us back or causing us distress. Once we recognize these patterns, we can work to change them and achieve greater success and happiness in our lives.

Enhances Intuition: Hypnotic scrying can enhance our intuition and ability to trust our instincts. By entering a relaxed and receptive state, we can tap into our intuition and gain greater clarity and insight into important decisions or situations.

Promotes Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The hypnotic state induced by scrying can promote relaxation and stress reduction. By allowing our minds and bodies to enter a deeply relaxed state, we can reduce anxiety and tension, leading to greater feelings of calm and inner peace.

Aids in Decision-Making and Problem-Solving: By tapping into our subconscious minds and intuition, hypnotic scrying can help us make better decisions and solve problems more effectively.

Fosters Creativity and Imagination: The trance-like state induced by scrying can enhance our creativity and imagination. By allowing our minds to relax and drift, we can tap into our creative potential and generate new ideas and insights.

Cultivates a Sense of Inner Peace: Hypnotic scrying can cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm, helping us to feel more centered and grounded. By allowing our minds to enter a deeply relaxed state, we can let go of stress and anxiety and connect with a deeper sense of peace and well-being.

Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: By gaining deeper insight into ourselves through hypnotic scrying, we can boost our confidence and self-esteem. By recognizing our strengths and working on our weaknesses, we can develop greater self-awareness and a more positive self-image.

Improves Focus and Concentration: The focus required for scrying can help improve our concentration and attention span. By training our minds to stay focused on our scrying surface, we can improve our ability to concentrate on tasks and improve our overall productivity.

Facilitates Spiritual Growth and Connection: Hypnotic scrying can facilitate spiritual growth and connection. By tapping into our intuition and exploring our subconscious mind, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, leading to greater spiritual connection and growth.

Supports Personal Transformation and Healing: Hypnotic scrying can support personal transformation and healing. By exploring our subconscious minds and identifying patterns and behaviors that may be holding us back, we can work on making positive changes in our lives and experience greater healing and transformation.

Enhances Relationships with Others: By gaining greater self-awareness through hypnotic scrying, we can also enhance our relationships with others. By recognizing our own patterns and behaviors, we can become more understanding and compassionate towards others, leading to greater connection and harmony in our relationships.

Heightens Self-Acceptance and Self-Love: Through hypnotic scrying, we can learn to accept and love ourselves more fully. By recognizing our strengths and working on our weaknesses, we can develop greater self-awareness and a more positive self-image, leading to greater self-acceptance and self-love.

Cultivates Mindfulness and Presence: The practice of hypnotic scrying can cultivate mindfulness and presence. By focusing our attention on the present moment and allowing our minds to relax, we can cultivate a sense of presence and awareness that can extend beyond the practice of scrying and into our daily lives.

In conclusion, the benefits of hypnotic scrying are vast and varied. Whether you’re looking to gain deeper insight into yourself, reduce stress and anxiety, make better decisions, or cultivate spiritual growth, hypnotic scrying can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By exploring the different types of scrying and techniques available, and by practicing regularly, you can experience the many benefits of hypnotic scrying and transform your life in profound ways.

Scrying Hypnotic

Hypnotic Scrying
Yes, you really can use traditional scrying methods to inspire contemporary processe for self-exploration.

As far as hypnosis goes, I do quite a bit of work developing hypnotic processes to various trance results.

I am particularly interested in adapting traditional methods to contemporary hypnotic methods as well as in creating wholly original methods outside of the traditional model.

Here’s just a small sampling of work I have done over the years to very good effect.

Crystal Ball Hypnosis

You can also see the video at

Tarot Trance

You can also see the video at

Create Your Own Trance Labyrinth

You can also see the video at

Chinese Fountain Bowl

You can also see the video at

This is just the tip of the iceberg as you might know from my videos and more. Of course, those wishing to explore even more may consider learning packages such as our ErosPsyMagick+ program at which is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . seriously it’s the whole trancework kit-n-kaboodle.

Ready to Explore Your Inner Self?
Discover the Power of Hypnotic Scrying for
Personal Growth and Insight

Hypnotic Scryinghypnotic scrying is a powerful technique for self-reflection and personal growth. It has been used for centuries by cultures around the world to access the subconscious mind and gain insight into one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through the use of various scrying methods and techniques, individuals can explore their inner selves and achieve a deeper understanding of their own psyche.

By practicing hypnotic scrying regularly, individuals can experience a wide range of benefits, including increased self-awareness, reduced stress and anxiety, improved decision-making, enhanced creativity, and spiritual growth. Additionally, hypnotic scrying can improve one’s relationships with others by promoting greater understanding, empathy, and compassion.

To get started with hypnotic scrying, it is important to choose a scrying method or technique that resonates with you and to practice regularly. It may take time to master the art of scrying, but with dedication and persistence, you can experience the transformative power of this ancient practice.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, hypnotic scrying is worth exploring. Its benefits are numerous and can help you achieve greater clarity, understanding, and inner peace. So why not give it a try and see what insights await you?

Frequently Asked Questions:
Benefits of Hypnotic Scrying

Hypnotic ScryingQ: What is hypnotic scrying?
A: Hypnotic scrying is an ancient practice that involves gazing at an object or surface to access the subconscious mind and gain insight into one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Q: How does hypnotic scrying work?
A: Hypnotic scrying works by relaxing the mind and allowing the subconscious to come to the forefront. By focusing on a visual stimulus, such as a mirror or flame, individuals can access deeper levels of consciousness and gain insights that are not accessible through rational thought.

Q: What are the different types of scrying?
A: There are many different types of scrying, including mirror gazing, candle flame scrying, bowl or dish of water or India ink scrying, and many more.

Q: Can anyone practice hypnotic scrying?
A: Yes, anyone can practice hypnotic scrying. However, it may take time and practice to become proficient in the technique.

Q: Is hypnotic scrying safe?
A: Yes, hypnotic scrying is generally safe when practiced responsibly. However, it is important to approach the practice with respect and caution, as it can be a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious mind.

Q: Can hypnotic scrying help with anxiety and stress?
A: Yes, hypnotic scrying can help with anxiety and stress by promoting relaxation and reducing tension in the mind and body.

Q: Can hypnotic scrying be used for spiritual growth?
A: Yes, hypnotic scrying can be used for spiritual growth by helping individuals connect with their inner selves and higher consciousness.

Q: How often should I practice hypnotic scrying?
A: The frequency of hypnotic scrying practice depends on the individual. However, practicing regularly, even for just a few minutes each day, can be beneficial.

Q: Can hypnotic scrying be combined with other spiritual practices?
A: Yes, hypnotic scrying can be combined with other spiritual practices, such as meditation and visualization, to enhance their effects and achieve greater spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Q: Where can I learn more about guided imagery and sensual practice?
A: Of course, those wishing to explore even more may consider learning packages such as our ErosPsyMagick+ program at which is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . core skills, metaphysical magickal psychic, and eroticatrance ecstatic states.

You Can Learn More

Hypnotic Scrying
If you would like to learn more about using hypnosis techniques, consult our Core Skills program and other products found in our online store at (you may wish to check out our package programs for even more value).

Our ErosPsyMagick+ program at is of particular interest as it has everything rolled into one comprehensive package . . . core skills, metaphysical magickal psychic, and eroticatrance ecstatic states.

If you’re in Taiwan and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei? Check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies. Of course, browsing this site will bring you to a digital ton of positive resources on a wide variety of topics as well.

Live Trance and Prosper,
Brian David Phillips

Trance Wizard

Waking Dreams
Tarot Decks and More

Hypnotic Scrying