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Once Upon a Time with Wil Wheaton and Friends


In his Tabletop series on youtube, Wil Wheaton introduces ONCE UPON A TIME to Amy Berg, Mike Phirman, and Chris “Doc” Wyatt. The neat thing about the show is that they introduce games while actually playing.

I love Once Upon a Time and use it every year in my communication courses at the university and the unit’s culmination is a project in which my students create their own variation decks for the game using their choice of genre and their own newly created vocabulary lists. Students then get a chance to play games using one another’s decks.

Note that in Wheaton’s game they use the start rule of “the person who looks most like a storyteller goes first” and Amy Berg gets chosen. That’s all well and good but for some reason I prefer the original rule that the person with the longest beard goes first (for some reason that rule makes perfect sense to me but then I usually play in groups in which I am the person with the longest beard – typically I’m the ONLY person with a beard, so there is that).

Here’s the video:

And . . . here’s the gag reel:

I will be playing the game this weekend with friends. 🙂


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